As an author, I have written often about the need to pay attention to the concerns of our youth. I believe that they have a unique and untarnished view of our world and the people in it and are connected to our world in such a pure and untainted way as to allow them to explore new and adventurous thoughts and ideas. I believe we owe it both to them (the young ones we have borrowed this planet from) and to ourselves (as adults) to assist them in awakening their own inner desire to be an active part of the changes we see happening in our world. Sometimes we forget as adults that our younger generation has an incredible ability to grasp the political and social issues that our world is currently facing; often believing that it is our responsibility to ‘fix’ the problems that we perceive as today’s’ challenges. Yet we have at our disposal a vast, and for the most part, untapped resource for ideas and solutions to our current world troubles. For years now the youth have been actively involved in creating and implementing programs to further our understanding of our world and to care for those in it whom, for the moment, may not be able to care for themselves. Creative solutions often come from the minds of children who are not yet jaded by the belief that we are powerless to be the change we want to see in our world. The movement to recognize the potential of our younger generations is in full swing as organizations around the world focus their energies on empowering the youth and encouraging to them to speak out with regards to their view of a better, safer, cleaner more energetically charged world in which to live. As I dive further into my own development as a responsible, contributing member of our world I am reminded often of the power of the minds and hearts of today’s youth and have been driven to find ways to assist them in finding new avenues to explore their own remarkable capabilities. It is my hope that Blooking Younger will offer the youth a format to combine their voices and spread their own messages of hope and faith for a brilliant future without limits.
Jean Victoria Norloch